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An ongoing series of informational entries which may or may not include Microblading...

Mind, Body & Microblading
Friday, September 6, 2019
While completing my Nursing pre-requistes, I was inspired to take a Yoga Course (at Santa Rosa Junior College) by my Physio Instructor, Nick Anast during one of his lectures, he encouraged us to remember to take care of ourselves while becoming/being care providers for others. He didn’t elaborate more than, “Make time to practice Yoga everyday!” Although, the person he was and lifestyle he lived, I trusted this was something I needed to start practicing in order to become a better version of myself. I started off my very first practice of Yoga, doing Bikram Yoga. A surprise to myself and others, I was able to not only last the entire 90 minutes of class, but I was able to do it without taking a break. I impressed myself and made a promise to make more time to practice Yoga for the rest of my life. I started off curious about Yoga and just about anything to help with my stress and anxiety. My anxiety set in when I was about 20 years old; I went through some traumatic events, all within the time of becoming a “real” adult. Of course my doctor prescribed me an anti-anxiety that I never wanted to take. When I decided to come back to school to finish my Nursing Degree, I discovered I have pretty bad test anxiety as well. So, with the inspiration of Mr. Anast, I enrolled for a beginners yoga course to better my life and all in all succeed in not just the course, but my other future education and way of living.
I had been looking to adopt an exercise which doesn’t make me lose too much weight, a practice to slow down mentally, and connect spiritually. I never really grasped the way Yoga could actually work until the first time I practiced. I started out wanting to take a yoga course to strengthen and tone muscles and have the guaranteed time to practice mediation and learn more about the practice of Yoga. Since I have started I have become a little more flexible, my anxiety/test anxiety has significantly improved, and I feel my way of living and balancing my life has dramatically improved. I have also learned a lot more about the different poses and how they can activate/open our different chakras. I have learned more about the meanings of the different chakras which in hindsight have taught me more about different yoga poses allowing me to customize them to what I'm needing more of with every ever-changing season of life. Yoga definitely has helped me to connect my mind, body and spirit.
I decided to take the time to learn more about Yamas during my Yoga Course one because it sparked interest and secondly, because I had to choose a topic for my midterm. Haha! “Yamas, and its complement, niyamas, represent a series of "right living" or ethical rules within Hinduism and Yoga. These are a form of moral imperatives, commandments, rules or goals. The five Yamas of Patañjali's classical yoga system are commitments that affect the yogi's relations with others. The five Niyamas of Patañjali's classical yoga system are personal obligations to live well.” (Yamas. (2015, March 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:43, March 26, 2015, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Yamas&oldid=650528026)Meanwhile, everyone has their own religion; I believe this is just a true form of spreading pure love, loving ourselves, and an appreciation for life itself.
Growing up an athlete ( Especially a Middletown Alumni Athlete), you learn early on, in order to succeed and play well not just as an individual but as a team, you need the mental discipline. Obviously, you can't practice yoga while yelling or having any sort of negative mindset. Some days may be harder than others to practice but I believe that to be true given any practice. One of my favorite Yamas is #7; Dayā (दया): compassion. I find myself reminding myself to hold compassion for myself, my family and even complete strangers every day in life. I have worked in a hospital/patient care setting for fifteen (15) years and it was rare a day went bye where I thought to myself, “if that doctor/family member/ or even myself only had a little more compassion for that patient”. I believe holding just a little compassion for ourselves and others makes a huge difference in not just our lives but in this world. Perhaps, if the entire world practiced Yoga, we may be able to live with love and in harmony.
Since taking the Yoga course a few years back, I have learned so much about the practice of Yoga but more about myself and am truly grateful to have the time and opportunity to incorporate yoga into my lifestyle. I hope to continue to challenge myself to strengthen my body, mind and soul as one.
I will be incorporating yoga into my life for the rest of my life to maintain balance in my every day life as a mom, business owner, teammate, friend, and of course Microblading & PMU Artist.

No way Rosé... NO alcohol 48 hrs prior to Microblading
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Whether it's Rosé, any wine or any other alcohol it's recommended you avoid all alcohol prior to your Microblading procedure.
Alcohol thins the blood, making it more likely you bleed more than the expected throughout Microblading and/or any form of semi/permanent cosmetic makeup. When you bleed more, it's likely to push the pigment out and may even cause the results to blur.
I've worked in the Medical field most of my adult life and I've seen the difference it makes in your results for any procedure you may be healing from. (Two days really isn't that long!) If I haven't made my point yet, it affects your results and wastes my time and effort into making your upgraded eyebrows flawless for you.
I had a client who chose to not follow the recommended pre & post care advice. She chose to drink even day of the procedure. Not only did she bleed, complain of it being more uncomfortable in comparison to the "norm", but it also affected her results in pigment retention.
Unfortunately, it impacts more than just her desired results, nevertheless a poor reflection of my work.
I want you to have flawless beautiful new brows that you are proud to wear on your face for the next 12-18 months.
Please don't Drink and Microblade!

She said, “Semi-permanent.” he said, “PERMANENT!”
Friday, November 9, 2018
There’s a fine line between Semi-permanent and Permanent and of course, it depends on who you ask. When I asked a fellow artist, she said, "Semi-permanent." but when I asked the local health department inspector, he said, "PERMANENT!" According to the all-governing Health Departments in the United States, any method of microblading, feathering, permanent cosmetic makeup, and any form of insertion of pigment/ink into the skin, they are ALL defined as permanent in California, U.S.A. Regulations vary from country to country and even county to county.
“Permanent cosmetics” means the application of pigments in human skin tissue for the purpose of permanently changing the color or other appearance of the skin. This includes, but not limited to, permanent eyeliner, eyebrow, or lip color. [Article 40: SAFE BODY ART. Code, § 4002. subd. (4)]
So essentially, no matter how we deliver the body art or what we label ourselves, it is all permanent and we are all (well as long as they hold a valid permit/license) defined as a “Body Art Practitioner” in the United States. It’s important to know many artists label their title differently and may deliver the same procedure or may share the same title but deliver a completely different method. It’s up to you to do your homework when choosing your artist and most importantly up to you to choose the correct artist to suit you, your style and level of expectation(s).
Let me break down the HOW & WHAT behind what Microblading means at MS. Microblading Artist.
WHAT:Pigments delivered DO vary! There are many different brands of pigments and there is also a difference in the meaning of pigment when compared to “Ink”.
Pigments were designed especially for the Microblading method and used on the face.
Inks are intended for Tattoo and traditional cosmetic tattoo use using a machine.
I use Pigments that not only heal true to color they fade naturally over the course of 12-18 months. The pigment line I use uses different base colors as it's the starting point which differs from traditional permanent makeup pigmentology. What I mean by “fade naturally”, the pigment fades to a neutral nude color base rather than a pink, green or blue.
Still, have questions about Microblading?
Contact me or schedule a complimentary consultation.